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Ordering – Payments – Tokens – Delivery – Subscriptions & Memberships 26

How can I pay for something custom that’s not a store product or something quoted?

How To Use Master Plans – TER’s – Calculator Reports Purchased From Engineering Express

How can you leave my order outside in one of your office pickup boxes?

I need help finding a tie down detail for permit

How do I know if a payment went through for my online order?

How can clients in the South Florida area save money on shipping fees?

is the 6th Edition Florida Building Code still valid? That’s what it says on my plan.

I need to create an NOA / product approval for my product. What’s the process?

I have a different brand product than the one you specify but it’s similar. How can I get mine certified for permit?

I received a hardcopy (printed) plan and need a digitally signed-sealed file. What do I do?

I’d like to use an EFT (electronic funds transfer) instead of a credit card. Can you help with that?

I placed an order for pickup that now needs to be shipped. What do I do?

I made a mistake on the zip code of an online digital order. What do I do?

How can I cancel an online order?

I ordered a project through E-Tempest. What’s the process for receiving a digitally signed-sealed file?

Can I get a discount on volume plan store orders?

I’m looking for a model not shown on the chart in a Technical Evaluation Report (TER). What do I do?

How can I clarify my account status with Engineering Express?

How can I confirm you have my current address for shipping?

I have a question about project statuses and what DRAFT means

How do I check the project status of my project with Engineering Express?

How can I get my digitally signed – sealed file resent to me?

This is my first time paying for an invoice. How can I pay?

How do I know if my order is ready for pickup?

Subscription Services Offered by Engineering Express

About Plan Store Tokens

About Plan Store, Calculators & Membership Services 18

The building department is asking for design wind speed – risk category – exposure – address on my master plan – TER What do I tell them?

How can I suggest a master plan for you to provide in your plan store

How To Use Master Plans – TER’s – Calculator Reports Purchased From Engineering Express

I need a wind load chart for window – door – garage door installation. What do I do?

is the 6th Edition Florida Building Code still valid? That’s what it says on my plan.

I heard there’s a calculator online that can help me but I can’t find it. What do I do?

Can you verify the size of the plan I’m going to receive?

How can I verify prices for an online plan? Your site shows a range of prices.

I made a mistake with an online calculator value. How can that be fixed?

I have a technical question on an online plan. Can you help me?

How can I find the sealed wind load chart I’m told I need for permit?

I have a different size generator than those listed on a concrete pad master plan. How can that be added?

I placed an order for engineering through E-Tempest / one of your online affiliates. How can I find out the status?

I need a wind calculation for a roof. Can Engineering Express help with that?

The Readymade master plan I ordered didn’t solve my need. I need a site-specific. What do I do?

I’m a contractor looking to purchase a fence / gate or similar plan. What do I do?

I’m a homeowner looking for a fence & gate (or similar) plan for permit. What do I do?

Instructions for proper use of rooftop equipment wind pressure calculator

About Digital & Hardcopy-Sealed Engineering Work 18

Search our AC model Database

How To Validate A Digital Signature On An Engineers Digitally-Sealed Plan

How To Use Master Plans – TER’s – Calculator Reports Purchased From Engineering Express

When will I receive my order? How long does it take to get my digitally signed-sealed file sent to me?

Why is there an expiration on digitally signed-sealed plans and how does that work for permitting?

The date on my plans is old – Do I need a plan with a current date?

What is the current Florida Building Code

I have a technical question on an online plan. Can you help me?

I received a hardcopy (printed) plan and need a digitally signed-sealed file. What do I do?

What’s the difference between a hardcopy and a digitally signed – sealed file?

I’m a homeowner in need of a site specific plan / custom project. Can you help?

I received a comment from the city / building department / plan reviewer on an online plan. What do I do?

I placed an order for engineering through E-Tempest / one of your online affiliates. How can I find out the status?

I ordered a project through E-Tempest. What’s the process for receiving a digitally signed-sealed file?

How can I get my digitally signed – sealed file resent to me?

I need to place an online plan order for a digitally signed-sealed file. How does that work?

What digital signing company does Engineering Express use for digitally signing design plans?

Whats The Difference Between a Digitally Signed Plan, Electronic Seal, & Scanned Digital Copy of a Plan?

About Our Site-Specific Project Process (ExpressPass) 25

How do I submit my completed drawings to the city?

I have a change in a site specific project that’s in progress / completed. What do I do?

I need to create an NOA / product approval for my product. What’s the process?

I have a different brand product than the one you specify but it’s similar. How can I get mine certified for permit?

I have a different size generator than those listed on a concrete pad master plan. How can that be added?

I need an inspection done. Can you help?

I’m a homeowner in need of a site specific plan / custom project. Can you help?

I received a comment from the city / building department / plan reviewer on an online plan. What do I do?

How can I modify an existing quote request placed through ExpressPass?

I need a wind calculation for a roof. Can Engineering Express help with that?

I can’t find an order that was supposedly emailed to me. What can I do?

How can I change a contact for your ExpressPass site specific project?

I ordered a project through E-Tempest. What’s the process for receiving a digitally signed-sealed file?

I’m looking for a model not shown on the chart in a Technical Evaluation Report (TER). What do I do?

How can I clarify my account status with Engineering Express?

I have a question about project statuses and what DRAFT means

How do I check the project status of my project with Engineering Express?

I have questions about a project we are working on

What is the process for submitting site specific projects to Engineering Express?

Starter List In Submitting A Ground Mounted Sign For Evaluation



Starter List in Evaluating Your Building Component For Product Approvals & TER’s

CAD Drafting Guidelines for Engineering Express Plan Submissions

Typical Information Needed For Engineering Design of a Patio-Pergola Roof

General / Other Frequently Asked Questions 18

What is a delagate engineer and what are their responsibilties

Whats the difference between the Miami Dade NOA Quality Assurance Date and the Building Code Expiration Date?

How do I submit my completed drawings to the city?

What Services Do We Offer And Don’t Offer?

Pros and Cons of Obtaining a Florida Statewide Approval Vs A Miami Dade Approval and how a TER fits in

Performance Requirements Typically Requested On Project Specifications

I see values for F1 and F2 on Evaluation Reports. What are they?

The building department is asking for design wind speed – risk category – exposure – address on my master plan – TER What do I tell them?

What is the current Florida Building Code

What are your business hours / time that you are open and what is your location?

How can I get a copy of your W-9?

I need an inspection done. Can you help?

I received a comment from the city / building department / plan reviewer on an online plan. What do I do?

I need a wind calculation for a roof. Can Engineering Express help with that?

Can you help me find Existing Florida Product approval, Miami Dade NOA, or ICC-ES information and plans?


Glossary of Engineering Terms

Wind Speed vs. Wind Pressure Explained

Engineering 48

What is a delagate engineer and what are their responsibilties

What is the process to renew a Miami Dade NOA I have?

Whats the difference between the Miami Dade NOA Quality Assurance Date and the Building Code Expiration Date?

*** Find More Help With Product Approvals Here ***

What’s the difference between ground and roof snow load for patio covers?

Performance Limitations for Mechanical Equipment & TER Certifications

Sunroom Terminology

Door and Hardware Online Glossary


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I see values for F1 and F2 on Evaluation Reports. What are they?

Learn About Rooftop & Ground Wind Forces for Mechanical Units

About Door Product Pressure Ratings and Water Infiltration

What are The Span Limitations of Large Missile Impact Doors – Windows – Shutters?

Requirements of Substituting Glass Panels In Insulating Glass Systems

Requirements of Substituting Insulated Glass Spacers in Glazed Products

Loss of Capacity Due To Welded Aluminum In Railings – Signs – Structures